Authentic Manhood.

No More Hiding (NMH) is a conduit for men to fully engage in straightforward and authentic conversations regarding life’s daily challenges. We provide an inviting safe space for men to come out of hiding and find their true purpose regardless of life encounters. Unequivocally, NMH is a progressive organization, serving men of every socioeconomic status, age, nationality, and race. We encourage and compel men to think progressively – with the goal that they can develop a more meaningful multi-generational life experience. NMH is a haven designed for men to have the occasion to enjoy fellowship, support, mentorship, and networking. It is with a holistic approach, that NMH’s mission is to educate, equip, and empower men to achieve their maximum potential…“Revealing Authentic Manhood.”

“And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?” Genesis 3:8-9ional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.our story online can make all the difference.

Manhood, Mission, & Marriage

  • Dr. Saint Rice, EdD

    Dr. Saint Rice is an enriching purpose driven cultural builder and leader for man. He is the founder No More Hiding Men’s Ministry (NMH). NMH is a life transforming organization which impacts men of all ages, socioeconomic classes, and ethnic backgrounds.

    Dr. Rice has developed an inspiring ministry concept that describes the standard of excellence: a standard that is apparent in his commitment not only to ministry but also to education.

    Dr. Saint Rice holds several advanced degrees. He focuses on the experiences, struggles, and strengths of the whole man with specific interest to African American men. For more than 20 years, Dr. Rice has worked and ministered to men of all backgrounds, personally and professionally.

    He is mandated as the visionary and founder of No More Hiding Men’s Ministry. Dr. Rice’s proclivity to disrupt the existing state of the average man, fuels his belief that“Strong communities require strong men.”This philosophical view ignites his desire to see a stronger relationship between man, his Creator, and his divine purpose.

    His pioneering vision and instinct to serve men in areas extend beyond the church walls. Dr. Rice is passionate to this call, driven to inform, inspire, and impact all the men he encounters.

    A St. Louis native and graduate of the Riverview Gardens School District, Dr. Saint Rice, is one of the community’s respected leaders. He is married to LaVada Rice and they are blendly proud parents of 7 adult children and 5 grandchildren.

  • Dr. LaVada Rice, EdD

    LaVada R. Rice is multi-talented, multi-faceted, innovator, visionary, and inspirational speaker. She serves alongside her husband, Dr. Saint I. Rice of the legendary No More Hiding Men’s Ministry. LaVada has established herself as a mentor for couples and leaders. She is passionate about helping those live life on purpose, and she believes it all starts with a vision.

    Dr. Rice serves as Co-Founder of NMH, where she oversees the administrative aspects of the organization, a fellowship committed to the betterment of men who encounter life-altering challenges such as abuse, divorce, joblessness, and mental health issues.

    Her latest venture was co-publishing the No More Hiding 4 Men journal, a collection of personal intimate narratives and introspective writing prompts. With this collection, she and her husband hope to make a difference by enriching and transforming the lives of men in every aspect of their life.

    A St. Louis native and graduate of the Normandy High School. LaVada holds a BS in Human Resource Management, a MA in Nonprofit Administration, and a doctorate in Higher Education Administration from Lindenwood University.

    A loving wife, mother, and grandmother, Mrs. Rice, and her husband share a blended lifestyle with 7 adult children and 5 grandchildren. She loves chocolate, football (Dallas Cowboys, Tom Brady, & Notre Dame), antiquated dictionaries, and traveling.

    One of her favorite quotes is “You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Zig Ziglar